
How to make a referral to ASAP

This page explains how to ask ASAP to represent or advise you for your appeal. An advice agency can make the referral. If no one is helping you, you can refer yourself.

If an advice agency is helping you:


Ask an advice agency to help you. See Organisations who can help or call Refugee Council Infoline to find an advice agency near where you live.

Advice agencies may be able to help you complete a Notice of Appeal and reply to a Directions Notice (a Tribunal instruction to send more information about your case). ASAP cannot do this for you.

If no one is helping you, you can refer yourself to ASAP.

When referring you to ASAP, an advice agency will:  

We work with advice agencies throughout the UK. But if the advice agency helping you does not know about ASAP, show them this video:

If no one is helping you:


We understand it is not always possible to find an advice agency near where you live. If you cannot find an advice agency (or someone else you trust) to make a referral to ASAP, you can refer yourself.

Unfortunately ASAP is not a replacement for an advice agency. See 'Important' for more details.

To refer yourself to ASAP please follow these 3 steps:

Step 1 

Step 2

Step 3

What happens after you email ASAP:

If you cannot send ASAP completed referral and authority forms:

It is best you send us a signed ASAP authority form. It shows other people, like the Tribunal, that we have permission to help you. But we understand you may not be able to do this. We may still be able to get your permission by speaking to you on the phone. To give your permission by phone, or to ask a question about referring yourself to ASAP, call 07950 977701. Please note this number does not give legal advice.


ASAP is not a replacement for an advice agency. Unfortunately, even if no one is helping you, ASAP cannot write your Notice of Appeal form or help you reply to the Directions Notice. See Guide to writing the appeal form and Preparing for your hearing which explain how you can do this.

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