If no one is helping you, tick 'no' to the 1st question and go to section 3.
If an advice agency or lawyer helps you prepare your appeal, they can help you complete your Notice of Appeal form. The adviser will write their details in this section. The Tribunal sends important information about your appeal to the person listed in this section.
An adviser or lawyer who helps you get ready for the appeal will not usually take part in the hearing. See How to make a referral to ASAP for how to ask for ASAP representation, after your Notice of Appeal is sent to the Tribunal.
Do not put ASAP's details in this section.
If you are using your adviser's office for your video hearing, you can tick the yes box at question 2.6. If you are granted a video hearing, the Home Office have said if you live over 3 miles from your representitives office you should be sent a travel ticket for the journey. You should be sent this to either your address or email provided in Section of the form.
You will be only be able to get a video hearing in certain circumstances, for example...
This is explained further in the Section 4 of this guide: Hearing type