FactsheetsEasy-to-use resources for anyone with questions about asylum support

While the information in the fact sheets below is not designed to substitute advice or representation, this information can help you to understand the asylum support system.

If you have questions about the information in any of the fact sheets please call our Advice Line, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2 – 4pm on 020 3716 0283.

You may also find it useful to have a look at our information guides for people who have an upcoming asylum support appeal.  These guides walk appellants thrrough the asylum support appeals process. 

If you or your organisation is in need of more information about asylum support, consider attending one of our trainings or contact us to arrange a bespoke in-house training session.

If you are an experienced advisor looking for more detailed information on specific asylum support issues please have a look at our briefing notes


Factsheet 1 - Section 95 support

This Factsheet deals with the support available to people whose claims for asylum are ongoing – Section 95 support (s95 support). Updated June 2024.

Factsheet 2 - Section 4 support

This Factsheet looks at s4 support for refused asylum-seekers – those who have been refused asylum and exhausted their appeal rights. Updated July 2021

factsheet 3 - Appealing to the Asylum Support Tribunal

This Factsheet looks at the Appeal Process to the First-tier Tribunal (Asylum Support) 28/07/2021

Factsheet 4 - Filling in the Notice of Appeal

This Factsheet gives guidance on filling in the Notice of Appeal for clients who want to appeal decisions to refuse or discontinue asylum support. updated 28/07/2021

Factsheet 5 - Proving destitution

This Factsheet focuses on the evidence someone requiring s95 or s4 support should provide to the First-tier Tribunal (Asylum Support) (the ‘Tribunal’) to prove they are destitute. Updated Dec 2020.

Factsheet 6 - Evidence for Section 4 appeals

This Factsheet gives guidance on the evidence an applicant may be expected to provide to the Home Office or the First-tier Tribunal (Asylum Support) in order to prove they are eligible for s4 support. Updated July 2021

Factsheet 7 - After a Negative Appeal Decision

This Factsheet looks at what can be done to help asylum-seekers and refused asylum-seekers when an appeal to the First-tier Tribunal (Asylum Support) (AST) is unsuccessful. Updated Dec 2018.

Factsheet 8 - s4 support for pregnant refused asylum seekers

This factsheet provides information about applying for Section 4 support on the grounds of pregnancy or having recently given birth. It also provides general information about access to maternity services for refused asylum seekers and the particular risks such women face when pregnant. Updated Oct 2018

Factsheet 9 - Extra payments (s4 & s95)

Pregnant women and parents with dependent children are entitled to receive some extra payments to their support package. People with an ‘exceptional’ need for additional support can also apply for extra payments. This factsheet provides an overview of these payments and a guide on how to apply for them. Updated Oct 2018

Factsheet 10 - Schedule 10

Explore schedule 10 support eligibility, what it consists of and what happens if it is refused. Updated May 22.

Factsheet 11 - Asylum support for dependants

This factsheet explains who is considered a ‘dependant’ for asylum support purposes and the conditions they must satisfy to be eligible. Updated 14 March 2023.

Factsheet 12 - Section 4 and Human Rights

This Factsheet looks at situations where s4 support may be available necessary to prevent a breach of human rights. Updated July 2021

Factsheet 13 - Introduction to Judicial Review

This Factsheet looks at judicial review in relation to asylum support. Updated Dec 2018

Factsheet 15 - Suspending, delaying or reducing s95 payments and back payments of support

This factsheet looks at when the Home Office can and may suspend or reduce the cash support given to those in receipt of s95 support. It also explores when the Home Office might issue a back payment. Updated September 2018

Factsheet 16 - Emergency accommodation following a successful s4 appeal

The Home Office is currently in the process of implementing a new policy for emergency accommodation following a successful appeal. We will update this factsheet as soon as the system has been confirmed. In the interim please call our advice line before your client's appeal to discuss accessing emergency accommodation after an appeal. 08/12/2021

Factsheet 17 - s98 support

Section 98 support is a form of temporary support that is provided to asylum-seekers who appear to be destitute and who have applied for s95 support and are awaiting a decision. This factsheet explores who is eligible and how to apply. Updated Nov 2018.

Factsheet 18 - Asylum Support for Survivors of Domestic Abuse

This Factsheet looks at the Home Office (HO) guidance dealing with how the HO, its housing contractors and Migrant Help (MH) should react when an asylum-seeker experiences domestic abuse (DA) in the UK and needs safe housing and support. Updated February 2024.